Green Protein Smoothie; Antidote for Too Many Tacos

If you’ve spent any time on this website, you know we LOVE food and drinks. We really do aspire to be healthy, though, so we start almost every day with a green protein smoothie. I know, I know. It’s hardly fair to expect one power-packed smoothie to offset a full day of tacos and margaritas, but it’s better than nothing!

Once upon a time, when I would walk into my office with a green protein smoothie in hand, my entire team would feign disgust. They saw green and assumed it tasted like cooked spinach. Over time, I suckered most of them into trying a sip. They were always pleasantly surprised when they realized you can’t taste the spinach at all!

There are a thousand different ways to make a green smoothie. It really is one of those things you just eyeball, toss in what you have, and it always turns out delicious! Just make sure you have some sort of liquid, frozen fruit, spinach, protein powder, and a good blender. The rest is up to your imagination and/or whatever is sitting in your fridge.

green protein smoothie ingredients

Basic Ingredients – Green Protein Smoothie

  • Almond milk or Coconut Water (any liquid works)
  • Fresh Spinach
  • Frozen Fruit
  • Protein Powder
  • Banana (completely optional, but definitely makes it creamier)


You’ve heard me sing the praises of the Vitamix on my Healthy Afternoon Smoothie post (okay, fine… it’s a margarita. Potato, potahtoh.). There has never been a recipe that requires a good blender more than this one. One sure-fire way to dislike a green protein smoothie is to use a crappy blender that leaves behind big chunks of spinach. Trust me on this one.

In addition to having a good blender, the order in which you add the ingredients makes a huge difference in how easily it blends. Start with liquid first. Then add banana, spinach, and protein powder. Frozen fruit should be the last ingredient, so it sits on top. Make sure the lid is secure, then blend it until your heart’s content. Feel free to add water if you like your smoothie on the thin side.

recipe spinach smoothie

Other Ingredients

I throw all kinds of ingredients in our smoothies.

Recipe Card: Green Protein Smoothie

Green Protein Smoothie Recipe


The sky is the limit with this recipe. Throw in your favorite fruits for flavor. Throw in ingredients you don’t necessarily like, but know are good for you. Either way, I bet you will be surprised how tasty this is. Bonus: you’ll feel a little less guilty when you indulge later in the day!